Field trip in Serbia and Bulgaria (Mar 27-Apr 01, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina
Main goal of this trip was the set up of the experimental field plot in the village of Karadzovo, Bulgaria, in collaboration with our local cooperators, V. Harizanova and A. Stoeva, Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Collected also Centaurea solstitialis samples for genetic analysis. Moved to Belgrade to meet R. Petanovic and B. Vidovic at University of Belgrade. Collected also Onopordum sp. rosettes near Belgrade.
Field trip in Turkey (Apr 10-13, 2014)
by D. De Simone and F. Di Cristina
The trip was focused on the collection of Centaurea solstitialis samples for DNA analysis in several localities of Central and South-Western Turkey. Collected also Isatis tinctoria samples with eriophyoid mite symptoms and stored them in EtOH 70% and 96%.
Field trip in Jordan (Apr 19-27, 2014)
by M. Cristofaro
This exploration trip started near Dead Sea where we collected Coniatus sp. on Tamarix sp. Found also Salsola sp. and collected medusa-head samples for genetic analysis. Recorded also Onopordum sp. and collected leaf samples for DNA analysis and few specimens of Larinus sp.
Field trip in Bulgaria (May 18-20, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina and M. Guedj
The main purpose of this survey was to check the experimental field plot in the village of Karadzovo with our local cooperators, V. Harizanova and A. Stoeva, Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Transplanted and put in pots some of the test plants. Collected in several location Lepidium draba samples showing strong mite attack. Collected also Coniatus sp. and some unidentified weevils (stored in EtOH 70% and 96%).
Field trip in Sicily (May 22-26, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina and M. Guedj
Aim of this trip in Sicily was the collection of Centaurea solstitialis samples in several localities for DNA analysis (stored in silica gel). Collected also Chondrilla juncea leaf samples with a strong rust attack. Recorded also Onopordum sp. and Cynara cardunculus and collected two different species of Larinus sp. on both plant species. Collected also Coniatus sp. and some unidentified weevils on Tamarix sp. (stored in EtOH 70% and 96%). Finally, recorded Salsola kali, S. verticillata and Suaeda maritima on the seashore.
Field trip in Armenia (May 31-June 9, 2014)
by M. Cristofaro and F. Di Cristina
This exploration survey was made in cooperation with E. Gerber, CABI Switzerland, and M. Volkovitsh, Russian Academy of Sciences. Collected Centaurea solstitialis samples for genetic analysis and found also Larinus sp. and Lixus sp. on Onopordum sp. Collected also Oporopsamma sp pupae on Chondrilla sp. and plant samples for DNA analysis. Recorded also Lepidium latifolium and collected on this weed tephritid flies for genetic analysis and Melanobaris sp.n. semistriata larvae. Collected also several different weevil species on Centaurea sp. Recorded a large population of Ailanthus sp. and collected plant samples damaged by a pathogen and by an eriophyoid mite. Recorded also Carduus nutans, Lepidium draba, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Tamarix sp. and Artemisia sp.
Field trip in Serbia and Bulgaria (June 26-30, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina
The trip started in Belgrade with a meeting with our Serbian cooperators at Belgrade University. Moved to Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in order to collect in the field Larinus filiformis and L. latus on Centaurea solstitialis and Onopordum sp., respectively. Recorded also on the first plant species Eustenopus villosus, Larinus curtus, Lixus scolopacea and Bangasternus sp. Worked on the experimental plot, pruning all the C. solstitialis in order to have a suitable amount of flowerheads for the test. Released the two weevil species collected in the field in the experimental plot. Recorded in different locations Lepidium draba with eriophyoid mites and collected green medusa-head samples in order to check the presence of mites. Moved back to Belgrade and visited again the University in order to deliver medusa head samples to our cooperators.
Field trip in Quatar (June 09-10, 2014)
by D. De Simone
This short trip had as main targets Arundo donax, Tamarix ramosissima and Salsola tragus. Recorded 3 sites around the town of Doha, with a cane (most probably Fragmites sp.) and Tamarix sp.
Field trip in Iran (June 11-15, 2014)
by D. De Simone
This trip started with a meeting with our local cooperator A. Ghorbanali, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Carried out exploration surveys in Shirvan area and found Acroptilon repens (with a large attack of eriophyoid mites), Salsola tragus, Alhagi sp. and Bromus tinctorius. Collected samples of Chondrilla juncea for DNA analysis. Collected also Russian olive samples showing mite symptoms and medusa head samples. At the end, visited the Acroptilon repens field experiment at the University field station in Mashhad.
Field trip in Bulgaria (July 19-21, 2014)
by M. Guedj
Aim of this trip was the collection of the weevil Larinus filiformis on Centaurea solstitialis for the open field experiment. Collected also C. solstitialis and Chondrilla juncea samples for genetic analysis. Moreover, harvested together with our Bulgarian cooperators, all the mature flowerheads
of the field experiment test plants.
Field trip in Serbia (July 22-26, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina
This exploration trip was carried out with our Serbian cooperators and was mainly focused on common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Found a good population of A. trifida growing together with A. artemisiifolia and collected plant samples. Collected also in a different location ragweed plants with a peculiar damage under the leaves. Moreover, collected Chondrilla juncea samples for DNA analysis and Isatis tinctoria and Solanum dulcamara with eriophyoid mites.
Field trip in Northern Italy (Sep 29 - Oct 02, 2014)
by M. Guedj and F. Di Cristina
This trip was focused on the search of common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia in North Eastern Po Valley in the framework of the project COST SMARTER (Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe). Found several sites with the target weed and the ragweed flea beetle Ophraella communa. Collected some adults and A. artemisiifolia seeds in different localities. Found also a huge population of the flea beetle on Helianthus tuberosus. Collected adults for genetic analysis and laboratory host range tests plus plant samples.
Field trip in Turkey (Nov 05-08, 2014)
by F. Di Cristina and R. Bonopera
During this trip we met our cooperators in Central Turkey to organize the activities for next season. Moreover, carried out some explorations and found many Alhagi sp. plant showing mite symptoms (collected seeds). Recorded also Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Centaurea solstitialis and Salsola tragus.