Field trip in Sicily (January 22-27, 2013)
by F. Di Cristina
This first trip of 2013 was focused on exploration and collection on giant reed, Arundo donax. Collected roots of the plant with the Arundo scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis and also fragments of the stem with the Arundo leaf miner Lasioptera donacis. Recorded also in one locality the Arundo pink scale and lepidopteran larvae inside the plant leaf sheath and diptera larvae and pupae on leaf tips.
Field trip in Turkey (March 18-23, 2013)
by A. Paolini and F. Di Cristina
The first purpose of this trip was a meeting with E. Karacetin, University of Kayseri, to arrange a research agreement with the university. Second, met our local cooperators to organize the field experiments for the coming season. Collected Lepidium latifolium plants with early mite symptoms and checked them at the microscope at university. Collected also Lepidium draba and Isatis tinctoria with mite symptoms and stored the last one in EtOH 70% and 95%. Moreover, collected near Kirkisla Onopordum sp. plants infested by nematods.
Field trip in Sardinia (March 30 - April 02, 2013)
by M. Guedj and F. Di Cristina
Aim of this exploration trip was the selection of Arundo donax populations with the presence of potential biological control agents. Recorded several sites with symptoms of the Arundo leaf miner Lasioptera donacis and collected some damaged segments of the plant. Visited also some sheep and goat farmers in order to collect ticks but it was still too cold.
Field trip in Iran (April 05-11, 2013)
by R. Bonopera
The trip started with a meeting with our cooperators to organize the field experiment with Acroptilon repens. Collected Acroptilon, Lepidium and Cirsium samples with potential mite symptoms, and perennial pepperweed leaves for genetic analysis. Moved to Shirvan and collected A. repens seeds and plants with eriophyoid mite
and Alhagi camelorum young shoots of plants showing last year mite symptoms.
Field trip in Turkey (May 10-18, 2013)
by F. Di Cristina and M. Barlattani
First step of the trip was a visit in Cappadocia to collect perennial pepperweed with mite symptoms. Then moved to Erzurum, East Turkey, and collected on the way Coniatus sp. on Tamarix sp. (preserved in EtOH 95%) and Hyppophea sp. showing mite symptoms. Collected Melanobaris sp. pr. semistriata along Aras valley and moved back to Cappadocia to set up the field experiment to test perennial pepperweed potential biocontrol agents.
Field trip in Bulgaria (May 22-24, 2013)
by A. Paolini and M. Guedj
During this trip we visited our cooperators V. Harizanova and A. Stoeva, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, and together we performed a brief exploration survey in Plovdiv area, Central Bulgaria. Collected the weevil Larinus latus to be used in the open field experiment on Scotch thistle Onopordum acanthium. Collected also many Coniatus sp. galls on Tamarix sp. and visited Centaurea solstitialis site near Klokotnica but no mites and no Larinus filiformis found on this weed.
Field trip in Turkey (June 03-07, 2013)
by F. Di Cristina
This trip was made in cooperation with R. Sforza (ARS EBCL, France), in order to check the medusahead field experiment near Ortahisar, Cappadocia. Collected also Larinus filiformis on Centaurea solstitialis and recorded as well Larinus curtus, Eustenopus villosus, Lixus scolopax and Bangasternus sp. Checked the field test with the Russian olive mite and collected Coniatus sp. on Tamarix sp. and unidentified weevil on medusahead. Finally, collected perennial pepperweed with eriophyoid mite at the site near Incesu and infested the field plot near Ortahisar.
The main goal of this trip was the release of the weevil Larinus filiformis in the experimental field plot for the test of the biocontrol agents of Centaurea solstitialis and Onopordum acanthium, carried out in cooperation with our Bulgarian cooperators of Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Collected also, in Plovdiv area, specimens of the weevil Larinus latus to be release in the field garden experiment. Recorded, in the same localities, C. solstitialis and Carduus nutans.
Field trip in Serbia (July 21-26, 2013)
by M. Guedj and F. Di Cristina
The trip was focused on common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the framework of the Cost Smarter (Sustainable management of A. artemisiifolia in Europe) in cooperation with R. Petanovic and colleagues, University of Belgrade. Visited several locations in north and central Serbia to collect ragweed plant samples showing eriophyoid mite samples and carried out samples analysis and mite extraction in laboratory. Collected also unidentified flea beetles on ragweed plants.
Field trip in Uzbekistan (August 16-23, 2013)
by F. Di Cristina
This trip started with a meeting with scientist of Academy of Sciences in Tashkent to organize field explorations and set up future cooperations. During the field surveys recorded Acroptilon sp. with anlow mite infestation and a huge tephritid fly seed feeder attack.nRecorded and collected Alhagi pseudoalhagi showing mite symptoms and stored them in EtOH 70% and 95% for identification and DNA analysis. Recorded also Onopordum sp., Hyppophea sp., Salsola sp. and collected Coniatus sp. on Tamarix sp. Set up a field experiment on Russian olive, placing sleeve screen cages on branches with fruits in order to test Ananarsia eleagnella oviposition and larval survival. Recorded the presence of galls on Russian olive leaves and collected mature fruits showing A. eleagnella attack.
Field trip in Turkey (November 08-11, 2013)
by A. La Marca
Central Turkey was the destination of this trip that started with a meeting with our cooperator at University of Kayseri. Visited Lepidium latifolium site near Incesu and collected seeds on senescent plants. Collected also Ahlagi sp. with mite symptoms, Onopordum sp. rosettes with nematode attack and Russian olive fruits. Recorded also Salsola tragus, Acroptilon repens and Taeniatherum caput-medusae. Visited L. latifolium site near Kayseri but found few plants.