






Field trip in Bulgaria and Serbia (December 16-19, 2012) 
by M. Guedj


The trip started with a meeting with our Bulgarian cooperators at Plovdiv Agricultural University to discuss next year activities. Then moved to Serbia to meet our cooperators from University of Belgrade and perform field exploration together. Found a large population of Onopordum sp. and recorded insects associated (Lixus sp.,Larinus sp., tephritid flies and Otiorhynchus sp.). Sampled Onopordum leaves for genetic analysis. Moreover, collected Lixus sp. and Larinus sp. on Carduus sp. and recorded Russian thistle plantlets and Russian olive plants with evidence of mite attack.

Field trip in Sicily (December 10-12, 2012) 
by  F. Di Cristina, M. Barlattani and R. Buonopera


This exploration trip was focused on giant reed Arundo donax biocontrol agents. Collected rizomes and lateral branches of the weed with the scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis. Recorded also plants with Lasioptera donacis larvae damage.

Field trip in Bulgaria (September 30-October 3, 2012) 
by  F. Di Cristina and M. Barlattani


Aim of this trip was a meeting with our cooperators V. Harizanova and A. Stoeva at Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Explored several locations with Tamarix sp. and found and collected some specimens of Corimalia sp.

Field trip in Greece (September 10-12, 2012) 
by  F. Lecce and A. Paolini


The trip was focused on the collection of the eriophyoid mite Aceria salsolae on Russian thistle Salsola tragus. Collected, together with J. Kashefi, ARS EBCL, Greece, some Russian thistle plants showing mite symptoms near the locality of Kozani. Collected also dead Larinus latus and newly emerged Lixus cardui on Onopordum sp. almost dry plants and recorded also many pupal chambers of this weevils in stems and flowerheads. Moved to EBCL laboratory at the American Farm School in Thessaloniki and examined Salsola plants at the microscope.

Field trip in Turkey (July 31- August 07, 2012) 
by  F. Di Cristina


The main purpose of this trip was the harvesting of the whole test plants of the host range experiment with the weevil Larinus filiformis, potential biocontrol agent of Centaurea solstitialis, carried out in Igdir, eastern Turkey. Firstly, a sampling of mature flowerheads of the plants was carried out, together with L. Gultekin (Erzurum University) and L. Smith (USDA-ARS, Albany CA, USA), to check the presence of the biocontrol agent; afterwards, all the test plants were harvested and dissected. Moved to Cappadocia, in order to harvest the test plants of the field experiment with perennial pepperweed eriophyoid mite. Collected also perennial pepperweed seeds from wild plants. Checked near Aksalur Russian olive plants of the test carried out to assess the impact of the eriophyoid mite on this species. Moreover, collected about 50 stems of Salsola tragus with the pyralid moth Gymnancyla canella.

Field trip in Bulgaria (July 24-25, 2012) 
by  F. Lecce and A. Paolini


Aim of this trip was a meeting with our cooperators at Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Checked the experimental field in university campus and collected some capitula of Scotch thistle test plants. Collected in the field near Novoselo more Onopordum capitula  and dissected in loco some stems and found newly emerged adults, pupae and larvae of Lixus cardui. Moved back to the laboratory to dissect the flowerheads collected

Field trip in Turkey (July 11-19, 2012) 
by  M. Giuedj and F. Di Cristina


This trip was made in cooperation with U. Schaffner, CABI Switzerland. Carried out a meeting with our collaborators at Isparta University (western Turkey) and presented a seminar on our activities. Moved to central Turkey to organize the impact test with the mite of Elaeagnus angustifolia near the village of Aksalur. Collected Salsola tragus stems infested by a Gymnancyla canella larvae and mite infested plants of Lepidium latifolium to be used in laboratory experiments on the U.S. weed biotype. Then arrived at Erzurum to meet our cooperator of Erzurum University and moved together to Igdir, eastern Turkey, in order to harvest and dissect a portion of the test plant of the host range experiment with the weevil Larinus filiformis, potential biocontrol agent of Centaurea solstitialis.

Field trip in Turkey (June 13-15, 2012) 
by F. Lecce and F. Di Cristina


This trip was carry out mainly in Central Turkey with the purpose of infesting the experimental plot to assess the host range of the eriophyoid mite Metaculus lepidiifolii found on perennial pepperweed. In particular, mite infested leaves of the weed were collected in the field and they were transferred to the experimental plot to inoculate test plants. Preserved in EtOH 99% some of the infested leaves to carry out genetic analysis of mites. Collected also galls with mites found on Lepidium draba and (stored in EtOH 99%) and Russian olive mite infested branches.

Field trip in Serbia (May 22-26, 2012)
by  A. Paolini and F. Di Cristina


The purpose of this trip was to carry out explorative surveys along the country with our Serbian ncooperators. Recorded and collected many weevils on Onopordum sp. and nCarduus sp.. Recorded also Russian thistle’s plantlets and Russian oliven showing eriophyoid mites signs. Collected Onopordum sp. leaves for DNA nanalysis.

Field trip in Turkey (May 6-14, 2012) 
by F. Di Cristina and M. Barlattani


This exploration trip was made in cooperation with E. Gerber, CABI, Switzerland. The main objective was the preparation of two open field tests with Lepidium latifolium potential biocontrol agents in Central Turkey.

Field trip in Turkey (April 16-23, 2012) 
by  M. Guedj and F. Di Cristina


Aim of this trip was a visit to the field plot in Cappadocia, Central Turkey, to supervise plants preparation for the open field test for the evaluation of the host range of perennial pepperweed biocontrol agents. Visited the plant nursery and transplanted plantlets of Lepidium latifolium and L. draba in plots. Visited L. latifolium site near Kayseri to collect plants with mites, but no signs of infection found. Moved to Erzurum and then to Igdir, together with our Turkish cooperator, to prepare a field experiment to assess Larinus filiformis host range. Carried the test plants in pots and transplanted them to the field. 

Field trip in Iran (April 11-16, 2012)
by R. Bonopera and F. Di Cristina


This trip was mainly focused on the set up of the open field experiment with Acroptilon repens and Elaeagnus angustifolia biocontrol agents. Transplanted young plantlets in larger pots and then transferred the potted test plants to the field plot in Mashad University campus. Recorded also many Onopordum sp. plants without any insects damage.

Field trip in Turkey (March 12-17, 2012)
by F. Di Cristina


Aim of this first exploration trip was a visit to the field plot in Cappadocia, Central Turkey, to prepare the plants for next open field experiment for the evaluation of the host range of perennial pepperweed biocontrol agents. Visited the plant nursery and transplanted plantlets of Lepidium latifolium (U.S. biotype). Visited L. latifolium site near Avanos and collected about 30 roots of the weed. Moved towards the city of Cavusin and found Lepidium draba with dry eriophyoid mite galls. Collected some roots and brought them, together with L. latifolium ones, to the field plot. Presented a seminar on our activities at Erciyes University of Kayseri with the collaboration of Evrim Karacetin.