






Field trip in Bulgaria (October 1-6, 2010) 
by  M. Guedj

Aim of this trip was the exploration of the eastern part of the country for the selection of biological control agents of Taeniatherium caput-meduasae (Medusa-head), in collaboration with René Sforza ( EBCL, Montpellier, France).

Field trip in Turkey (August 23-31, 2010)
by A. Paolini and F. Lecce

The first task to be accomplished during this trip was the harvesting of the plants of the Perennial pepperweed field plot in Ardahan, East Turkey. Secondly, we moved to Kapadokya to record the last data from the open field impact test with the Russian olive mite and close the experiment. Collected in the same region yellow starthistle seeds for Lincoln Smith, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA

Field trip in Sicily (July 29- 31, 2010)
by F. Di Cristina


Main target of this trip was the monitoring of  Lixus rosenschoeldi  population in the site near Eraclea Minoa (AG). Collected some adults of the weevil in order to carry out host range experiment in laboratory conditions.

Field trip in Turkey (July 14-20, 2010)
by F. Di Cristina and F. Lecce

One of the main targets of this field survey was the recording of preliminary data from the open field impact test with the Russian olive mite, established in Kapadokya on May 2010. Collected in the same area Onopordum seeds and yellow starthistle flowerheads, containing larvae of the weevil Larinus filiformis. Found, in the same region, new localities with the presence of Lepidium latifolium and collected samples of Lepidium draba and Chondrilla juncea, both affected by eriophyoid mites, to be shipped to J. Littlefield (Montana State University, Bozeman, MT)

Field trip in Sicily (July 12- 16, 2010)
by F. Di Cristina and M. Barlattani

This trip was mainly focused on the collection of Cosmobaris sp.  and Lixus rosenschoeldi on Salsola kali in the site near Eraclea Minoa (AG). Found also a population of L. rosenschoeldi on one other species of the genus Salsolapresent in Sicily (Salsola verticillata). Recorded Onopordum plants in new localities.

Field trip in Sicily (July 12- 16, 2010)

by F. Di Cristina and M. Barlattani


This trip was mainly focused on the collection of Cosmobaris sp.  and Lixus rosenschoeldi on Salsola kali in the site near Eraclea Minoa (AG). Found also a population of L. rosenschoeldi on one other species of the genus Salsolapresent in Sicily (Salsola verticillata). Recorded Onopordum plants in new localities.

Field trip to Turkey (May 27- June 04, 2010)
by F. Lecce and F. Di Cristina


Aim of this trip was the collection of insects and mites for the Perennial pepperweed experiment  in Ardahan.  We also purchased 6 plants of Russian olive and we collected small branches infested with the mite.  The plants have been transferred and sown at the Ardahan University campus, infesting both the Russian olive and Hippophae sp., a plant closely related with the target weed. Collected  (and released in the experimental plot) about 30 Melanoboris sp. weevils,  one hundred cuttings of Lepidium latifolium infested with the mite, and -more recently- 79 Lasiosina deviata flies. Collected in Kapadokya and near Bingol about 100 Larinus filiformis on YST and about 100 of YST infested roots with the weevil Ceratapion  basicorne (both sent to Lincoln Smith, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA); finally collected weevils and flea beetles on medusa-head in Kapadokya.

Field trip in Turkey (May 17-24, 2010)
by  A. Paolini, F. Lecce  and A. Letardi


The main target of this trip was the collections of insects on Onopordum and Salsola, and to establish an open field impact test with the Russian olive mite Aceria angustifoliae in Kapadokya, Central Turkey. Collected Lixus cardui specimens on Scotch thistle in many localities, both in Kapadokya and in the vicinity of Aphrodysias (Western Turkey). Collected also plant samples for genetic analysis. Recorded in the vicinity of Isparta, Western Turkey, the new eriophyoid mite associated with the target weed, responsible for stem atrophy and flowerbud abortion with a consequent decrease of seed production. Found for the first time in Central Turkey a not yet identified nematod species causing visible blisters on Scotch thistle’s leaves. Collected in Kapadokya YST infested roots with the weevil Ceratapion basicorne (sent to Lincoln Smith, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA).

Field trip in Turkey (May 08-14, 2010)

by R. Sforza and E. Gerber

The main goal of this trip was the setting at the Ardahan University facilities of the open field test for the evaluation of the host range of 3 potential candidate agents of perennial pepperweed: the root-boring weevil Melanobaris sp., the stem boring fly Lasiosina deviata and the leaf-galling eriophyoid mite Metaculs lepidiifolii. René Sforza also found a fly and a small seed feeder weevil (Pachytychius sp.) on medusahead in Kapadokya; recorded additional sites with Lixus cardui on Scotch thistle; both plant and insect samples have been collected for genetic and morphological analysis

Field trip in Sicily (May 06- 10, 2010)
by F. Di Cristina and F. Lecce

The goal of the trip was the collection of the two weevils Cosmobaris sp.  and Lixus rosenschoeldi, both associated to Salsola kali in a specific site near Eraclea Minoa (AG).  Collected also Lixus cardui  and Psylliodes chalcomerus on Scotch thistle and carried out explorations for French broom on Madonie and Nebrodi mountains (Northern Sicily)

Field trip in Sardinia, Central Italy (May 02-07, 2010)
by  R. Sforza and R. Bonopera


This field survey was focused on the search and collection of potential candidate agents on French broom.  Recorded 3 sites with interesting biocoenosis associated with the target weed: in particular, collected at least 3 species of caterpillars, one psyllid, and 3 species of weevils. Collected as well plant material for genetic analysis.

Field trip in Bulgaria ( April 11-16, 2010) 
by  M. Guedj and F. Di Cristina


The main target of this trip was the establishment of an official agreement with the Agricultural University of Plovdiv. In addition we went in the field with the main purpose to collect several rosettes of different thistle species, in order to perform an open field test at the university facilities in Plovdiv to evaluate the host range of Lixus cardui, potential candidate agent for Scotch thistle.

Field trip in Turkey (March 10-19, 2010) 
by  F. Di Cristina and P. Nobili


The main target of this trip was the establishment of an official agreement with Prof. Rustem Hayat of Ardahan University and Dr. Levent Gultekin of the Ataturk University of Erzurum, in East Turkey. Collected samples of several adults of Lixus cardui in dried stems of Scotch thistle and samples of Onopordum acanthium for genetic analysis.

Field trip in Spain (February 24-26, 2010) 
by  M. Guedj and A. Paolini


Aim of this field survey was the collection of the weevil Trichosirocalus sp. on Onopordum sp. in the Northern area of the country. Collected also Scotch thistle samples for genetic analysis and recorded, in the same area, a large number of senescent Russian thistle plants.